IQ Genius

You often hear the term ‘genius’ being bandied around. Even Apple use the term for their famous ‘Genius Bar’ at the apple store. But what does it really mean to be a genius? The Oxford English Dictionary defines genius as noun meaning “exceptional intellectual or creative power or other natural ability”. So let’s take the different sections of the definition one at the time. First, exceptional intellectual ability can be measured by the Intelligence Quotient (IQ). Although imperfect, IQ tests attempt to standardize the measurement of human intelligence across a variety of facets of intelligence. That is, most modern-day IQ tests will test fluid intelligence (Gf), crystallized or verbal intelligence (Gc), visual intelligence (Gv), processing speed and short-term memory (Gsm). IQ tests may also attempt to measure mathematical ability. The global IQ score (G) can be understood as a global composite (ie. an average) of the scores achieved on the individual sections of the test. Most IQ tests are established to have an average score of 100, and may have a standard deviation (SD) of 15, 16 or 24 points (or anything in between), although 15 and 16 are the most commonly seen. The IQ distribution follows a normal distribution and we know that 50% of the population will have an IQ that is less than 100, whilst the other 50% of the population will have an IQ that is greater than 100. Assuming that an IQ test has a standard deviation of 16 points, statistical properties tell us that roughly 68% of the population will have an IQ falling between the range of 84 and 116 (i.e. the average of 100 + or – the standard deviation of 16 points). Another way to look at the statistical properties of IQ is to say that anyone with an IQ falling between 90-109 is said to have an average or normal IQ. People with an IQ falling between 110 and 119 are said to have a ‘high average’ IQ, those with IQs between 120 and 129 are said to have ‘superior’ intelligence, while individuals with IQs above 130 are said to have very superior intelligence. IQs greater than 130 (16 SD) are found in roughly 3% of the population. Coming back to the definition of IQ genius, one could argue that people with an IQ greater than 130 would have ‘exceptional intellectual ability’ although this of course mean that a country like the United States, with a population in excess of 300 million, would have over nine million IQ geniuses. Clearly, this would not make any sense. Genius level IQ is typically associated with IQ genius scores in the 140+ range. Based on this cut off, IQ genius is found in one in every 161 individuals. On this basis, IQ genius can be found in just under 2 million individuals in the United States. An IQ of 140+ corresponds to a percentile in the 99.38% of the population.

IQ genius: is IQ alone enough to be a genius?

Technically, the Oxford English Dictionary’s definition of Genius has the word “or” between the three sections of the definition. On this basis, one could argue that an IQ of 140 is enough. But I would go on to argue that it takes more than a high IQ score to be worthy of the term genius. Achievement needs to match. There could well be roughly two million IQ genius in the United States, but I would argue that there are much fewer geniuses in the true sense of the word. You can have a go at seeing how far off you IQ is from the genius level here.